The links below provide information on various mortar products within our line, and to mortar analysis and color-matching services:
ROSENDALE NATURAL CEMENT PRODUCTS Natural cement was the binder of choice in North America for large scale masonry and concrete construction during the 19th and early 20th century. This technology is now offered in a series of prepackaged mortars, with or without lime additions.
Rosendale 12M Masonry Mortars
Hydraulic Limes: BioLime NHL 3.5, NHL 5
Hydraulic Lime Mortars: BioMix 35, BioMix 50
LP20, 20M, 20S Lime Putty, Lime Putty Mortar, Lime Putty Stucco A complete range of lime putty and lime putty-based custom mortars and stuccos provides exceptional workability for traditional mortar, stucco and plastering applications.
SPEC-JOINT 46 Custom Masonry Repointing & Rebuilding Mortar SPEC-JOINT 46 is a series of pre-colored, prepackaged, lime and cement-lime mortars for use in new construction and restoration. Lime mortar is formulated to match traditional historic mortars, and cement-lime mortars are formulated in accordance with ASTM C-270 specifications to provide consistent, reliable results in both performance and appearance. SPEC-JOINT 46 is simply mixed with water prior to use, and is applied in accordance with Standard Procedures for use of masonry mortar.