Thursday, March 30, 2006
8:30 AM Conference Opening Session
1. Leya L. Edison, Conference Moderator Perspectives: The First American Natural Cement Conference (Rosendale, NY, 2005), Reviewed; The Second American Natural Cement Conference, Previewed; Special Greeting from Thomas Swiftwater Hahn
BIO: Leya L. Edison has been Vice President and General Manger of Edison Coatings, Inc. in Plainville, CT for more than 20 years. During that time she has worked in product development, operations, quality control and technical support for the Company’s custom mortars and coatings for masonry and concrete. Edison is currently producing Rosendale natural cement. She moderated the First American Natural Cement Conference in Rosendale, NY, and has lectured on the subject of natural cement’s influence on American history. She holds a BSN degree from Florida State University.
2. Video Slideshow: “The Cement That Built America”
This brief, nostalgic look back at American natural cement, where it came from, where it was used, preservation victories and preservation defeats, has been revised and updated since its first showing at the First American Natural Cement Conference. Its combination of recent and historical images conveys a powerful message that history and technology are interwoven, and expresses the passion of those who preserve our architectural and engineering heritage.
9:15 AM
3. Dr. Emory L. Kemp, Professor, Author, Engineer, Industrial Archaeologist: A History of Natural Cement in Washington and the Potomac Valley Natural Cement Industry
ABSTRACT: Long before the current revival in use of original masonry materials in general and of natural cement in particular, Dr. Kemp was one of a small group of visionaries studying natural cement history and technology and making use of natural cement in the restoration of historic canal structures. Dr. Kemp will share some of his thoughts and experiences while recreating the era when the Potomac Valley was the 3rd largest production center for natural cement, and when the rapidly-growing city of Washington, DC was one of its largest consumers.
BIO: Emory L. Kemp worked for the leading engineering consulting firms in England before receiving his Ph.D. in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics from the University of Illinois. He joined West Virginia University in 1962 to establish a graduate program in structural engineering. He founded WVU’s program in the history of science and technology. Fostering the use of a material culture approach for the study of the industrial past, he has researched and preserved historic industrial sites around the country and overseas and has advocated their public interpretation. Kemp was a founding member and past president of the Society for Industrial Archaeology, and past president of the Public Works HIstorical Society. He celebrated the American bicentennial as a fellow of the American Council of Learned Societies at Imperial College in London. As a Regents Fellow at the Smithsonian Institution, 1983-84, he was involved in research on the history of suspension bridges. Since 1989 he has served as director of the Institute of the History of Technology and Industrial Archaeology at West Virginia University.
10:15 AM
4. John Walsh, Petrographer: Identification of Natural Cement in Historic Mortars, Stucco and Concrete
ABSTRACT: Petrographic analysis is a microscopy method that provides a unique and revealing view of inorganic materials. Hydraulic cements rarely react completely and telltale residuals are detected when the forensic petrographer is properly trained in their identification. Combined with accurate chemical analysis, the petrographic examination not only identifies the original components but often allows for a quantitative assessment of material proportions and original binder chemistry. Such data is crucial for the proper conservation and rehabilitation of historic structures. Portland cement, lime, and natural cement in any combination may be present in 19th century and early twentieth century masonry construction. A comprehensive petrographic examination serves as the basis for the successful creation and implementation of an historically accurate project specification. This presentation provides insight into how various contemporary and historic binders are properly distinguished and their mortars reverse-engineered. While technical data will be offered, the goal of the presentation is to provide the architect or specifier with a general understanding of the methods employed by the petrographer and to demystify the often complicated petrographic report. Case studies will be discussed with an emphasis on the pitfalls of an inaccurate petrographic analysis. Finally, the petrographic identification of the often misidentified Rosendale cement will be addressed with some discussion of current research into its various incarnations in historic structures.
BIO: John Walsh is a former NSF Graduate Research Fellow with a Masters Degree in Structural Geology from Columbia University. His early research focused on carbonate microstructure in natural fault zones; an experience ultimately leading to a career studying the microstructure of cementitious materials. He is now a Geologist and Senior Petrographer at Testwell Laboratories in Ossining, NY where he specializes in the reverse engineering of existing materials and investigating failures related to material deficiencies and environmental exposure. He is currently serving as Secretary of the Society of Concrete Petrographers and is active in various ASTM subcommittees. As a native fifth generation New Yorker, the investigation of construction materials and practices in historic NYC structures was a natural progression in John's career. He is currently researching the petrography and chemistry of the Rosendale cement that has played an important role in many of New York's landmarks and early infrastructure.
Laura Powers, Consultant Petrographer Advanced Techniques for Identification of Natural Cement in Historic Mortars
ABSTRACT: Building upon the foundation of Mr. Walsh’s presentation, Ms. Powers will discuss scanning electron microscopy and other advanced techniques for characterizing and identifying natural cement in historic mortars.
BIO: Laura Powers is a Consultant Petrographer with the firm of Wiss Janney Elstner in Northbrook, IL. Ms. Powers is an expert in materials analysis with more than 25 years of experience in microscopical, chemical, physical, and field investigations of construction and geological materials. Her experience also includes product evaluation, project management, and research. Prior to joining WJE in 2003, Ms. Powers was Principal Microscopist at Construction Technology Laboratories, Inc. where she investigated causes of distress and failure in portland cement-based materials. She has lectured on petrographic and chemical analyses, concrete and masonry performance, aggregate evaluation, fire damage, and analysis of historical construction materials for universities, professional societies, and the Portland Cement Association (PCA). Ms. Powers created and was the principal instructor for a PCA workshop on concrete petrography.
11:15 AM
5. Dr. Robert J. Kapsch, Engineering Historian The Chesapeake and Ohio Canal and the Beginnings of the Natural Cement Industry in the Potomac Valley
ABSTRACT: In 1826 the Army Board of Engineers predicted that no suitable source of limestone for hydraulic cement would be found in the Potomac Valley thus seemingly dashing the hopes of the supporters of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. But a suitable source was found, by John Cocke Jr., in the vicinity of Shepherdstown, Virginia (West Virginia). The construction of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal (1828-1850) gave impetus to the development of the natural cement industry in the Potomac valley – considered, by the canal’s Chief Engineer Benjamin Wright, superior to the Roman Cement imported by the canal from England. In particular it was the construction of the Monocacy Aqueduct (1829-1833) with its need for 40,000 bushels of hydraulic cement that established the industry in the valley. Dr. Kapsch will outline the development of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal and the beginnings of the natural cement industry in the Potomac valley.
BIO: Dr. Kapsch is former Senior Scholar in Historic Engineering and Architecture for the National Park Service, Special Assistant to the Director for projects such as the restoration of the Monocacy Aqueduct; and Chief, Historic American Buildings Survey/Historic American Engineering Record for fifteen years (1980-1995). He has doctorates in architecture and engineering and American Studies. Dr. Kapsch has recently published several books, including CANALS (W. W. Norton, 2004) and The Monocacy Aqueduct (Medley Press, 2005). His first date with his wife, Perry Kapsch, was to the Botelor and Reynolds cement mill near Shepherdstown.
6. BOX LUNCH & GUIDED TOUR: Natural Cement Buildings, Bridges and Monuments In Washington, DC
During the 19th Century, many of the most revered historic buildings and structures in the Nation’s Capitol were built, expanded and/or modified using natural cement. This bus tour, including several stops, will give participants an opportunity to view a number of these buildings, monuments and structures from a fresh perspective. The tour program is led and co-hosted by J. Bryan Blundell of Dell Corp. and John Matteo of Robert Silman Associates.
The tour includes a stop at the National Building Museum, formerly the Pension Building, where Martin Moeller will meet and greet us, and provide an overview of the building’s construction and engineer Montgomery Meigs.
The tour culminates at the U. S. Capitol, site for the afternoon technical session. Mary Oehrlein, FAIA, Principal, Oehrlein & Associates, will lead an exterior tour of the building, discussing use of natural cement in portions of the original construction and offering a perspective on restoration and maintenance work.
2:00 PM
7. Linda Willett, Executive Director & Frederick O’Connor, Project Manager Masonry Repairs at Cheshire Mill #1, Historic Harrisville, NH ABSTRACT: Harrisville is a unique mill village that preserves the scale and setting of the numerous mill villages that built on waterpower sites throughout New England prior to the Civil War, during the early stages of America’s Industrial Revolution. For 150 years the textile industry provided a livelihood for the town. In 1970, the bankruptcy of the Cheshire Mills threatened the future of the entire town. In response, townspeople and preservationists made one of the first successful efforts to protect the architectural and functional character of an entire historic village by forming Historic Harrisville, Inc. to repair the town’s historic buildings and lease them to businesses that provide employment opportunities. Harrisville was designated a National Historic Landmark District in 1977.
Cheshire Mill #1, built in 1846, stands at the core of the Cheshire Mills and is the complex’s most significant structure historically, architecturally and aesthetically. The continuous use of the building for woolen manufacturing has protected it from major alterations and preserved a unique architectural record as well as an archaeological record of manufacturing practices. Cheshire Mill #1 is of primary significance both to the Cheshire Mill complex and to the surrounding Harrisville National Historic Landmark.
Completed in August, 2001, in preparation for major structural and roofing repairs, the Cheshire Mills Complex Historic Structures Report included masonry and mortar analysis for Mill #1. The mortars selected and the steps taken are described as exemplified through the treatment of the single granite block walls, including the preparation of lime mortars, the packing out of joints and the preparation and use of Rosendale cement . Masonry work has been carried out on selected areas of the mill, other areas await a future phase of work. Work on Cheshire Mill #1 is funded in part by the Save America’s Treasures program.
BIOS: Linda Willett graduated from the University of New Hampshire with a B.A. in Philosophy. She worked on the repair of historic buildings throughout New England for the Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquitites (SPNEA) from 1989 to 1999, first as Property Care Manager and later as Curator of Buildings. Willett is a 2003 Quinque Fellow, and has been Executive Director of Historic Harrisville since 1999.
Frederick O’Connor has had 35 years of experience in interior and exterior painting, wall treatments and trim work. Over the past 15 years, O’Connor has developed a specialty with historic structures, completed numerous training courses in the use of building limes for the repair of historic buildings, and worked on a number of masonry projects both in the United States and in Scotland. He was the first Quinque Fellow, completing his fellowship with Historic Scotland in 2001 during his ten years of employment at SPNEA. O’Connor has worked as Historic Harrisville’s project manager since 2002.
8. Michael Edison, Chemical Engineer: Natural Cement in the 21st Century
ABSTRACT: This paper reviews the well-documented formulation practices from the 19th and 20th centuries, utilizing natural cement as the sole binder, primary binder, or as an additive in a wide variety of cement-based materials. These include masonry mortars, renders and stucco’s, limewashes and early concretes. In most cases, restoration of these traditional materials will best be performed by duplicating the original formulations.
Behind the formulation, there must be a clear understanding of natural cement performance and chemistry. What is natural cement, how does it perform and how does it differ from other traditional masonry materials? Edison will discuss these issues as well as the current effort to reinstate ASTM C10 Standard Specification for Natural Cement, withdrawn more than 25 years ago, when the last of the original natural cement producers closed its doors.
BIO: Michael Edison, chemical engineer, is President and Founder of Edison Coatings, Inc. in Plainville, CT. His engineering career spans more than 30 years, during which he has worked extensively in the development and formulation of custom mortars and coatings for masonry and concrete. Edison is currently processing Rosendale natural cement rock into natural cements, and is compounding these materials into a variety of traditional masonry mortars, renders and concrete materials. He has authored a number of articles on repair and coatings technology and has been a frequent lecturer at restoration industry events. He has authored technical and historical articles published by APT Journal of Preservation Technology, ICRI Concrete Repair Bulletin, ASTM Standardization News and SWRI Applicator, among others. He is a past chairman of the Central New York Section of the American Institue of Chemical Engineers, a Past President of the Connecticut Chapter of the International Concrete Repair Institute and a current Director on the Board of the Association for Preservation Technology Northeast Chapter. He is Chairman of ASTM C1.10.04 Task Group on Natural Cement, working to reinstate ASTM C10 Standard Specification for Natural Cement.
4:30 PM Return to Conference Hotels
7:00 PM
9. Special Guest Speaker: Cynthia R. Field, Chair, Office of Architectural History and Historic Preservation, Smithsonian Institution “The Smithsonian Arts & Industries Building”
Friday, March 31, 2006
7:30 AM Departure from Conference Hotels
10. En Route Presentations:
Christopher Robinson, Supervisory Exhibits Specialist National Park Service Historic Preservation Training Center
Peter Dessauer Historical Architect National Park Service Harpers Ferry National Historic Park
9:00 AM MINE AND KILN TOUR Botelor & Reynolds Cement Mill, Shepherdstown, WV, led by Dr. Emory Kemp.
10:00 AM
Welcome to Shepherdstown by Mayor Peter Wilson
11. Dr. Kurtis Burmeister, Geologist Geology and Mining of Rosendale Natural Cement Rock
ABSTRACT: The geological processes that led to the formation of argillaceous limestone (“natural cement rock”) are reviewed, and the geology of the Rosendale cement region is placed in context with other natural cement formations that were mined in North America in the 19th Century. The nature of the various strata of natural cement rock is discussed and the mining methods used to extract this valuable resource are illustrated. The vast remaining natural cement rock resources in Rosendale are also considered.
BIO: Kurtis Burmeister is an Professor of Geology at University of the Pacific, Dept. of Geosciences. He has spent a great deal of time in the Rosendale cement region, visiting old mine sites, and studying and cataloguing the region’s geology and mining methods.
10:45 AM
12. INTERNATIONAL SESSION: Roman Cement - Europe’s Pre-Portland Technology
1. Roman Cement Mortars in Europe’s Architectural Heritage of the 19th Century
Dr. Johannes Weber, Institute of Art & Technology, Dept. of Conservation Sciences, University of Applied Arts, Vienna, Austria
ABSTRACT: Roman cements calcined at low temperatures formed an important binder material in 19th Century building construction and facade decoration of many European cities and towns. As a rule, Roman cement mortars appear well-preserved. In order to understand the range of composition and properties of such cements and the mortars produced for casting and plastering, a number of samples from historic buildings were collected and analyzed. Microscopic techniques including scanning electron microscopy were employed along with the assessment of physico-mechanical properties.
The study shows that the most significant feature of Roman cement mortars is a wide range of differently calcined clinker relicts within each mortar. They were recognized as either underfired or overfired resp. poorly dispersed, and due to their amount and size these relicts play an important role for the mortar properties. The binder relicts are composed of a number of phases in the system Ca-Si-Al-Fe. C2S and C2AS (gehlenite) are amongst the most frequent compounds, their grain size and microstructure depending on the calcination temperatures. Especially the clinkers produced at lower temperatures show nonequilibrium features such as solid solution systems and zoning by partial diffusion namely of Ca and K into silica.
The inert aggregates found in the mortars cover a wide range of minerological compositions, however with some distinct differences which reflect local geological situations. Cast and in-situ applied mortars differ in the amount of aggregat, which is generally lower for cast elements. There is no correlation between the amount of inert material and the state of preservation indicated e.g. by the occurrence of shrinkage cracks. Historic cast mortars show high compressive strengths at comparatively low modulus of elasticity. The total porosity is frequently high but depends on the conditions within the first months of curing. The paper will present the above-mentioned properties and discuss them in terms of the excellent ageing performance of the hsitoric Roman cement mortars.
BIO: Johannes Weber has a degree in petrology and is a professor of Material Sciences in the field of conservation at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, Austria. His major research interests are in the field of soluble salts, ancient mortars and mural paintings, and Roman cements, where he is currently participating in a research project granted by the European Union.
2. Calcination of Marls to Produce Roman Cement
Dr. David Hughes, School of Engineering, Design and Technology, University of Bradford, Bradford, West Yorkshire, UK
ABSTRACT: Marls were identified from a range of European sources and assessed for their Cementation Index, as would have been the case in the 19th century. Three were selected for calcination in a laboratory kiln; two from Folwark in Poland (CI 1.75 and 2.00) and one from Lillienfeld in Austria (CI 2.03). Analysis of historical documents, whilst not revealing precise kiln conditions, does suggest that they were such as not to yield complete de-carbonation of the calcite. Consequently, a series of calcinations was undertaken in which the peak temperature control of the kiln was set in the range 730oC to 1100oC, with residence times in the range 150 minutes to 1250 minutes. The airflow through the kiln was sufficient to maintain a minimum oxygen content of at least 12%.
The resulting clinker was ground to comply with the 19th century Austrian Norme. Pastes were produced at w/c = 0.65 and assessed for setting time and strength development (6 hours to 1 year). Both parameters were highly dependent upon calcination conditions with both “low” and “high” calcinations producing slower setting and slower strength development than intermediate conditions. Two strength development profiles were identified; one being the expected continuous increase of strength, albeit with a declining rate of increase with time, whilst the other showed a 3 step sequence of high initial strength, a dormant period which could last for many weeks and a final increase in strength to an age of 1 year.
The cements were compared using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). Considerable variation in the composition was noted and related to the calcination conditions. Of particular interest is the formation of both a/-belite and b-belite under differing calcination conditions. Clinker particles were also compared using the SEM in both secondary electron and back-scattered electron imaging modes and the development of morphology observed.
Optimum calcination conditions for two marls were identified and an electric kiln designed to produce larger quantities of cement for both laboratory and workshop assessment by practicing conservators.
BIO: David Hughes graduated in 1975 with a BSc in Civil Engineering and obtained his PhD in 1983 for a study of polymer films in cement matrices. He is currently Associate Dean in the School of Engineering, Design and Technology at the University of Bradford, UK. His area of expertise lies in construction materials with particular interests in natural hydraulic lime and Roman cement mortars and is currently participating in EU and UK goverenment funded collaborative research projects in these areas. The EU funding is supporting the ROCEM project which is also represented by Johannes Weber and Renata Vyskocilova at this conference.
3. Hydration Processes in Pastes of Several Roman and Natural Cements
Renata Vyskocilova, Faculty of Restoration, University of Pardubice, The Czech Republic
ABSTRACT: Hydration of five Roman and natural cements was compared using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). Three cements were prepared on a laboratory scale by burning batches of marls from geological sources in Poland (Folwark) and Austria (Lillienfeld). They possessed the characteristics and advantages of the historic Roman cements widely used in the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth centuries in Europe to decorate buildings. Two other cements tested are produced commercially: quick setting natural portland cement (Prompt cement) from Vicat, France and Rosendale natural cement from Edison Coatings, USA. The XRD measurements were done in situ for cement pastes; the progress of hydration was evaluated from variation of the intensities of diffraction maxima characteristic of both crystalline hydrates formed and components of the original cements consumed in the hydration process. The XRD diagrams were recorded from 15 minutes to 6 months so that the entire hydration process was investigated.
The results showed that the hydration of natural cements comprises two distinct stages. The immediate setting and early strength is due to the formation of calcium aluminate hydrates. Further slow hydration and strength development is brought about by the formation of the C-S-H gel. Similarities and differences between the individual natural cements are discussed.The proposed mechanism of hydration is further confirmed by evaluation of the development of strength and porosity structure in the pastes.
BIO: Renata Vyskocilova graduated in 2002 in the Department of Chemical Technology of Conservation of Monuments at the University of Chemical Technology in Prague. She is working in the Department of Technology of Restoration at the University of Pardubice, The Czech Republic. Her main research interest lies in the field of technology of conservation of stucco works, stone and mural paintings. She is currently completing a PhD. in the chemistry of Roman cements at the Institute of Catalysis and Surface chemistry in Cracow in Poland.
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Jeff Chusid, Associate Professor of Historic Preservation Cornell University
1:00 PM
13. Ken Uracius, Mason: The Natural Cement Revival, Mortar and Stucco Demonstrations ABSTRACT: Five years ago, Ken Uracius was a masonry restoration specialist working as Director of Restoration for a masonry restoration contractor in New England. As the European Lime Revival reached the United States, he became a student of traditional lime, lime putty and hydraulic lime technology and an active advocate of the use of historically accurate materials in restoration work. But the more he learned, the more he came to realize that 19th Century American buildings were very different in their construction, thus beginning his quest for the forgotten truth. The history and technology of natural cement use in the United States that he rediscovered led to the reintroduction of authentic Rosendale natural cement products for use in restoration.. In recounting his quest, Ken utilizes material demonstrations to illustrate key concepts. Ken will be installing natural cement mortar on a historical structure at Harpers Ferry National Historic Park.
BIO: Ken Uracius has been working around masonry for all of his life, and has 20 years of experience in directing major masonry construction and restoration projects. He is currently with Stone and Lime Imports, a firm dedicated to technical support and training for traditional masonry materials.
14. Harpers Ferry National Historic Park Site Tours: Restoration Works Past, Present and Future and Visit to C & O Canal Locks at Harpers Ferry
Located at the confluence of the Shenandoah and Potomac Rivers, Harpers Ferry, WV, both prospered and suffered due to its unique location. In good times, the rivers provided a source of ample power for industrial development. In bad times, overflowing rivers raged through the town, destroying the very industries built to take advantage of their power. The extensive needs for restoration work on natural cement structures at Harpers Ferry have not been a result of time and weather, as much as a result of physical damages caused by a long history of repeated natural disasters.
The afternoon program at Harpers Ferry is designed to allow participants to view and experience this remarkable historic site in a manner that provides both planned program elements and unstructured time for self-guided exploration. Planned programs include natural cement mortar and stucco demonstrations at the old Pulp Mill ruins (see above), a tour of ongoing and completed restoration projects at Virginius Island, a visit to Lower Town, the remains of the original Harpers Ferry Railroad Bridge, and a walk across the Potomac on the current railroad bridge footpath to visit the C & O Canal Locks at Harpers Ferry.
5:00 PM Return to DC and Conference Hotels
Saturday, April 1 Optional Extension Programs
8:00 AM Depart from Conference Hotels
9:00 AM
“Hands-On” Workshop Group Disembarks at the National Park Service Historic Preservation Training Center in Frederick, MD; “In-Depth Geology” group continues on to Hancock and Round Top Cement Mines.
2:30 PM
Pick Up Frederick Workshop Group, Return to DC and Conference Hotels